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Red & White Rose Bouquet

Red & White Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 29th Mar
USD 126.9
24% Off

Embrace the classic beauty of our Red & White Rose Bouquet, featuring 50 roses in stunning shades of red and white with lengths ranging from 40 to 50cm. This bouquet is a timeless symbol of love, elegance, and purity, making it a perfect choice for various occasions.

The red roses convey deep passion and romance, while the white roses symbolize purity, sincerity, and new beginnings. Together, they create a harmonious blend of emotions and sentiments that make this bouquet truly special.

Each rose is carefully selected for its freshness, vibrant color, and exquisite bloom, ensuring a breathtaking and long-lasting display. Whether as a gift for a loved one, a centerpiece for a wedding or anniversary celebration, or a gesture of appreciation, this bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Surprise someone special or adorn your own space with the beauty of our Red & White Rose Bouquet. Let the enchanting fragrance and stunning appearance of these roses create a memorable and heartfelt experience, bringing joy and elegance to every moment.

• 50 roses in red and white (40-50cm)

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