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Lovely 12 Rose Bouquet

Lovely 12 Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 28th Mar
USD 47.9
46% Off

Get swept away by the charm of our exquisite bouquet, where nature’s pristine beauty meets expert craftsmanship. This floral ensemble includes Lovely 12 Rose Bouquet presenting a vivid spectrum of colors that’s a feast for the eyes. Designed with precision in a captivating round shape, these roses are framed by lush accents of leather fern, chico, pistachio, and ruscus, providing a breathtaking display of texture and greenery. Each rose measures between 40-50 cm in height, offering a balanced proportion and a head size of approximately 3.5 cm. Presented in an elegantly designed vase, this bouquet becomes the centerpiece of any setting, infusing life, color, and tranquility wherever it is placed. Ideal for gifting on any occasion or simply to enjoy the aesthetic pleasure it offers, this bouquet is a symbol of love, warmth, and gratitude. Imagine the instant lift in mood upon receiving such a delightful gift. Engage with this bouquet on multiple levels—through sight, touch, and the joy it brings. Awe-inspiring and guaranteed to leave a lasting impression, these roses are a perfect manifestation of nature’s glory, ready to grace your home or that of a loved one.

This gift consists of:
• 12 petite-budded roses bouquet in assorted colors

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