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Radiant Mixed Flower Bouquet

Radiant Mixed Flower Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 17th Mar
USD 54.9
48% Off

Our Radiant Mixed Flower Bouquet is a stunning arrangement featuring gerberas, lilies, alstroemeria, chrysanthemums, and foliage, comprising 15 to 20 stems with a size of 55cm stem length and a diameter of up to 40 cm.

This bouquet is a harmonious blend of vibrant colors, textures, and fragrances, creating a captivating visual display that brightens any room. The gerberas add a pop of color, lilies bring elegance, alstroemeria contribute a delicate touch, and chrysanthemums provide depth.

The foliage complements the blooms beautifully, enhancing the natural appeal of the bouquet. Whether as a gift for a loved one or to decorate your own space, our Radiant Mixed Flower Bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression and evoke feelings of joy and admiration.

• Gerberas, lilies, alstroemeria, chrysanthemums, foliage, 15 - 20 stems(size-55cm stem legth, diameter up to 40 cm)

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