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Pure White Rose Bouquet

Pure White Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 22nd Feb
USD 54.9
48% Off

Pure White Rose Bouquet features a stunning collection of 12 Avalanche white roses. Each rose is carefully selected for its pristine white petals, symbolizing purity, innocence, and elegance.

The Pure White roses are arranged to showcase their natural beauty and timeless appeal. Their classic color makes them a versatile choice for various occasions, from weddings and anniversaries to birthdays and celebrations of life's special moments.

Paired with lush green foliage, this bouquet exudes a sense of freshness and sophistication. Whether as a gift for a loved one or a decorative accent for your home, our Pure White Rose Bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression and evoke feelings of joy, beauty, and appreciation.

•Avalanche white rose 12 piece

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