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Serene 10 White Rose Delight Bouquet

Serene 10 White Rose Delight Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 28th Mar
USD 25.9
61% Off

Delight in the refined purity of Serene 10 White Rose Delight Bouquet, a perfect blend of classic beauty and sophistication. These stunning flowers feature immaculately shaped heads and strong, upright stems, adding a touch of elegance to any setting. The outer petals offer a soft play of green and white, leading to the bloom's pure white core. These blooms are an excellent choice for making a memorable impression, whether it's a grand celebration or a personal intimate moment. With 10 exquisite roses in each bouquet, this collection symbolizes elegance, making it the definitive choice for those who value simplicity and grace.

This gift consists of:
• 10 White roses Bouquet

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