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Sweetheart Rose Bouquet

Sweetheart Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 28th Mar
USD 123.9
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Celebrate love's essence with the Sweetheart Rose Bouquet a floral arrangement that transcends ordinary gestures. Boasting 50 breathtaking roses with a core of three white roses encircled by 47 vivid red blooms, this bouquet exudes an aura of romance and admiration. Ideal for moments when words fall short, such as anniversaries or surprise declarations of love, it's a striking symbol of your heartfelt emotions. The deep red roses represent unwavering devotion, while the pure white roses convey sincerity and grace. Together, they create a visual and sensory masterpiece that captivates the heart. With each bloom carefully selected for its beauty and fragrance, your loved one will be enveloped in the warmth of your affection. Gift the "Sweetheart" bouquet to convey your emotions beautifully and make a cherished memory that will last a lifetime.

This gift consists of:
•Bouquet of 47 Red Roses & Heart” made of 3 White Roses

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