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Pink Magic Roses Bouquet

Pink Magic Roses Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 28th Mar
USD 97.9
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Embark on a journey of nostalgia and admiration with Pink Magic Roses Bouquet. This flawless arrangement consists of 47 fresh pink roses, an homage to the beloved color associated with Barbie's enduring elegance. In the middle of this floral symphony, 3 pristine white roses form a heart, adding a unique touch and symbolizing purity and love. This bouquet is the ideal choice for those who appreciate a blend of classic style and contemporary flair. It's designed to convey love, warmth, and an unmistakable sense of nostalgia, perfect for any Barbie fan or lover of beautiful blooms. Each rose in this bouquet tells a story, making it suitable for any kind of celebration or as a delightful surprise. Make someone’s day by gifting the "Vintage Barbie Blooms," a timeless arrangement that stands out with its vibrant beauty and heartfelt sentiment, bringing elegance and happiness to any occasion.

This gift consists of:
• Bouquet of 47 Pink Roses & Heart” made of 3 White Roses

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