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Vibrant Orange Rose Bouquet

Vibrant Orange Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 17th Mar
USD 54.9
48% Off

Illuminate any occasion with our Vibrant Orange Rose Bouquet, featuring 10 stunning orange roses with a stem length of 50 cm and a diameter of up to 25 cm. These radiant blooms symbolize enthusiasm, energy, and warmth, making them an ideal choice for conveying heartfelt sentiments.

Each orange rose is carefully selected for its freshness, vibrant color, and lush petals, creating a striking visual impact that captures attention and admiration. The addition of a greeting card adds a personal touch, allowing you to convey your message of love, appreciation, or celebration.

Whether as a gift to express affection or to brighten up your own space, this bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression. Surprise a loved one, celebrate a special milestone, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature with our Vibrant Orange Rose Bouquet, a symbol of joy and positivity.

•10 Orange Roses , Number Of Stems 10 , Stem Length 50 Cm , Diameter Up To 25 Cm
•Greeting Card

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