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Flowery Fairy Bouquet

Flowery Fairy Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 24th Jan
USD 66.9
43% Off

This is a pretty combination of flowers. The bouquet contains a variety of seasonal flowers and is placed in a beautiful modern glass vase. A fairy is sitting next to the vase, holding a beating heart, guarding the treasure of her power over all living things that she possesses. This Gift Consists Of: Fresh bouquet with 4 yellow roses, 3 red germini, 1 Statice, 2 Solidago, 1 red Hypericum, 1 Bupleurum, 3 leather ferns, 3 Pistochia and 5 Salal. Diameter about 30cm

This Gift Consists Of:

Fresh bouquet with 4 yellow roses, 3 red germini, 1 Statice, 2 Solidago, 1 red Hypericum, 1 Bupleurum, 3 leather ferns, 3 Pistochia and 5 Salal. Diameter about 30cm

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