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Classic Athena Rose Bouquet

Classic Athena Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 31st Mar
USD 38.9
51% Off

Unfold the beauty of Classic Athena Rose Bouquet, the epitome of timeless elegance and purity. Their enchanting blooms display an artful blend of delicate white and light green hues, bound to capture hearts with every glance. Supported by strong, straight stems, these roses are the perfect choice for creating striking floral arrangements that speak of refinement. Whether adding grace to a celebration or offering a gesture of love, Athena roses deliver an unmatched presence. Enhance your space with their exquisite beauty, reflecting a story of grace, purity, and classic charm. Let these white roses redefine elegance, making every moment unforgettable.

This gift consists of:
• 18 white roses Bouquet

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