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Vibrant Gerbera Bouquet

Vibrant Gerbera Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 22nd Feb
USD 59.9
45% Off

Immerse yourself in the vibrant beauty of our Gerbera Bouquet, featuring a stunning array of gerbera flowers, foliage, and grasses with 20-25 stems. These cheerful blooms come in a variety of colors, adding a burst of joy and freshness to any space.

Each gerbera is carefully selected for its bold color, lively appearance, and long-lasting freshness, creating a captivating visual display that brightens up the room. The addition of foliage and grasses adds texture and depth to the bouquet, enhancing its natural charm.

Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or as a thoughtful gesture, our Vibrant Gerbera Bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. Surprise someone special or adorn your own space with the beauty of these versatile and enchanting flowers, bringing a touch of happiness and positivity wherever they are displayed.

•Gerbera, Foliage, Grasses number of stems 20-25

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