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Gorgeous Flower Bouquet

Gorgeous Flower Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 28th Mar
USD 52.9
43% Off

Celebrate life's moments with the Gorgeous Flower Bouquet a joyful ode to beauty and tranquility. Our selection includes lush gerberas, soft-petaled roses, and whimsical carnations, all interwoven with aromatic chamomile. The addition of lisianthus and accents like sea lavender create an enchanting landscape of floral wonder. Each bouquet is professionally arranged to maintain its elegance and allure. Accompanied by a complimentary glass vase, this medley of soft pastel beauty serves as a heartfelt gift that conveys your deepest sentiments and celebrates love in its purest form.

This gift consists of:
• Seasonal Mixed Pastel Bouquet (Gerbera, roses, carnations, lisianthus, thistles, chamomile, lady's mantle, clematis, sea lavender)

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