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Eternal White Roses Bouquet

Eternal White Roses Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : Tomorrow
USD 61.9
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Capture the elegance of understated beauty with a Loyal Blossom Of Rose Collection. These exquisite flowers are a timeless expression of purity and sophistication, perfect for any occasion that demands sincerity and grace. The white rose, a symbol of innocence and fidelity, makes an ideal gift to mark life's precious milestones or as a simple expression of genuine admiration. These delicate blooms are crafted to captivate, with their stunning simplicity allowing them to stand out in any environment. Let them be the focal point of your décor, infusing your space with their soft fragrance and serene charm. Their enduring elegance conveys emotions and sentiments that resonate beyond words, offering a truly unique way to connect and celebrate with those you cherish. These roses will touch hearts with their timeless beauty, creating moments of serenity and profound appreciation.

This gift consists of:
• 40 white roses Bouquet

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