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Delightful white orchids Arrangement

Delightful white orchids Arrangement

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Earliest Delivery : 28th Mar
USD 37.9
51% Off

Bring home the enchanting allure of the Delightful white orchids Arrangement. This wonderful white orchid showcases two impressive stems reaching a height of 50 cm, adorned with ethereal butterfly-like flowers. The blossoms add a stunning natural elegance to any room, making it a perfect decor choice. Renowned for its durability and beauty, this orchid is straightforward to nurture. Simply immerse it in water periodically instead of traditional watering. This approach supports its growth and bloom longevity. The Charming Phalaenopsis Delight is a serene, effortless way to introduce a touch of nature's artistry into your everyday environment.

This gift consists of:
• Double-stem white orchids, approx. 60 cm
• A pot

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